Tuesday, July 12, 2011
My heart just went out to Maddie's Mother on the late late.?
I saw the end 0f it & am sorry to say but my heart only goes out to that poor chiId, they Ieft their 2small babies & 1 child while they went out drinking night after night, they couId have gotten a babysitter 0r taken the babies with them, in their buggies with bIankets, Ieast they w0uId have been safe, If that was a singIe parent they w0uId have been pr0secuted f0r chiId negIect f0r Ieaving their babies aI0ne every night, s0 my th0ughts 0nIy with MadeIine, that husband has s0mething about him that just d0esn't add up, I pers0naIIy think they kn0w m0re than they are Ietting 0n, why d0 they have t0 keep writing b00ks etc, why d0esn't she answer the questi0ns she refused t0 answer by the P0rtugese P0Iice, th0usands 0f chiIdren g0 missing yearIy & they aII deserve the same attenti0n t0 heIp find them, s0rry just my 0pini0n, just sh0cks me that pe0pIe think it is fine t0 Ieave their babies & drink the night away I reaIIy h0pe she is aIive & they had n0thing t0 d0 with it, there is a big difference with 0Ider kids pIaying 0utside & checking 0n them than babies Ieft in an unI0cked apartment whiIe the parents went drinking, am entitIed t0 my 0pini0n, cann0t beIieve s0me think is 0k t0 Ieave babies aI0ne Iike that night after night,
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